Consideration of risks to people and the environment related to accidents on natural gas transmission pipelines in LUP and SEA processes in Poland
Maria T. Markiewicz
This study concerned the integration of gas pipeline safety issue into the LUP (Land Use Planning) and SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) processes in Poland. It focused on the early stage of natural gas transmission pipeline localisation, i.e. the preparation of land use development plans (the plans) and accompanying SEA documents. It aimed to analyse a set of selected plans and SEA documents taking into account risks to people and the environment resulting from accidents on gas pipelines. The results of the analysis showed that although the Polish legislation defining the content of these documents does not explicitly refer to these risks, they are included, but to a limited extent, in the documents examined. It is proposed to modify the EU and Polish legislation for the control of major accident hazards on gas pipelines.
In particular, in addition to the generic-distances approach currently used in Poland for maintaining the separation distances between the gas pipeline and other buildings it is suggested to introduce a risk-based approach to support LUP decisions near gas pipelines in Poland.