Welcome to our Faculty. Please consult a short guidebook for incoming students.
It is our great pleasure to invite you to study in English at the Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering. The Faculty is one of the biggest faculties within the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) – a technical research university with traditions in education dating back to the 19th century. Environmental Engineering is an area of study and research which the main goal is to limit the impact of human activities on the environment by management and control of waste and pollution concerning water, soil and air, as well as to meet the rising demand for creating and sustaining comfortable conditions for work and relaxation. The Faculty continues educational traditions of water engineering courses, which started in 1915, and have been successively developed by including other elements of environment: air and soil, as well as the technical systems of buildings, such as: air conditioning, heating, gas, water supply and sewage. Well-equipped laboratories and highly qualified teachers offer a high level of studies carried out in accordance with the principles set out by the „Bologna Declaration”. Polish accession to the European Union causes that the requirements and standards relating to the environment are similar to those in other EU countries, therefore the content of the studies has become universal throughout the Union.
Apart from educational activities, the Faculty conducts research and projects in the areas of both outdoor and indoor Environmental Engineering including bioengineering, environment protection and natural resource management, hydrology, water supply and sewerage systems, water and wastewater treatment processes, sludge and waste treatment and disposal, hydraulic structures, air pollution control, indoor air quality, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, gas distribution and district heating systems, environmental information systems.
The Faculty actively participates in the EU educational programmes (Erasmus+, Erasmus Mundus, TEMPUS, Leonardo da Vinci) as well as co-operates in the frame of national and international research projects with numerous scientific centres and universities, international organisations and industrial companies.
The Faculty conducts extensive cooperation with various foreign centers both in terms of research projects and scientific and technical research, as well as teaching. This cooperation is carried out in the following areas:
• international programs for students and academics from different European universities (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland)
• education of foreign students in Poland and Polish students and researchers abroad
• bilateral and multilateral cooperation with a number of research centers and scientific and technical institutions
• organizing and participating in international seminars and conferences.
The result of this cooperation is the joint research, scientific publications, participation in seminars and conferences, short-term and long-term research fellowships of students, graduate students and young researchers, practice and internships, as well as preparation of BSc or MSc theses by students in their last year of study at foreign institutions.
Accommodation process is run by a special section of Students Union – Accommodation Commission. Whole process is run via online system SEKS2 ( Accommodation Commission is responsible for:
• assigning incoming students to places in dormitories
• keeping future residents informed about their status
• solving issues involved with accommodation during academic year
• reservation of places for incoming sessions
Rooms are not guaranteed!
Important links:
ECTS catalogue
BSc Programme
MSc Programme
Academic year schedule and timetables
Academic regulations
Erasmus + recruitment 2020/2021
(the information doesn’t apply to first-year students of B.Sc.)
In the period from 16/03/2020 to 31/03/2020, will be the Erasmus + program recruitment for the academic year 2020/2021.
Please apply through the USOS system (USOSweb). After saving the application for the Erasmus + 2020/2021, the application should be printed, signed and submitted together with a certificate confirming knowledge of a foreign language, documents confirming student activity (activities in the Student Government, ESN, scientific associations, etc.) in the Dean’s Office (room 136) – ON THE CURRENT STATE from 15/04/2020 to 22/04/2020.
The rules of the Erasmus + program for the academic year 2020/2021 will soon be available on the CWM website ( ).

The project Euro-Korea Msc Hydroinformatics Engineering (EK-HYDRO) has the main objective to contribute to the education and training of future scientists and executive engineers in the EU and the Republic of Korea in the fields of modelling and managing projects in hydro-technologies and environment through an innovative master degree. These professionals have vocation to assist local and regional communities, national and international entities, public services and to be in volved in private companies. The project, in this light, responds to the growing demand on such qualified professionals from the major leading enterprises in the hydroinformatic and water management field in the EU and Korea.
The consortium consists of 4 EU institutions:
University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis France (UNS)
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU)
Technical University of Catalonia Spain (UPC)
Warsaw University of Technology Poland (WUT)
as well as 3 Korean institutions:
Incheon National University (INU)
Chungbuk National University (CBNU)
Seoul National University (SNU)

Main Activities
The main activities carried out in the project are:
- Joint Master course (awarding double degrees) which involves the definition and setting up of mutually important teaching modules and courses;
- Student mobility arrangement with the goal that 20 EU students and 36 Korean students will be mobilized over the project life;
- Teaching staff mobility arrangement with the goal that 16 EU scholars and 9 Korean scholars will be mobilized over the project life;
- Building-up organisational framework in terms of agreements on tuition waiver and recognition or transfer of credit.
Implementing an innovative master course focused on needs of an emerging professional sector.
All partner institutions are well established in Hydroinformatics engineering and related fields in terms of education, research and professional training.
All of them possess rich experiences in organizing student mobility for study and work placement abroad, and are engaged in the pursuit of educational excellence in an international context.
The initiative has been explored upon years of cooperation among partner institutions of various kinds of academic activities.
All partners are committed to develop their existing organizational structures by this joint commitment to act as an entity. Further participation of enterprises, industries, and public entities ensures the long-term sustainability of this multilateral cooperation. In addition the consortium aims to develop innovative ICT-based methods and tools for pedagogic practice and service in Hydroinformatics engineering, which can be applied to other collaborative education and training initiatives and easily duplicated and implemented in other disciplines.
How to participate Euro-Korea HydroInformatics?
Further details, list of avaliable courses at each institution and application form can be found at
EU & Republic of Korea cooperation in Higher Education
ICI-ECP Education Cooperation Programme refers to EU cooperation with Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the Republic of Korea in the field of higher education and vocational education and training. The programme includes regional and bilateral cooperation projects based on joint EU – Partner Countries funding and njmutual agreement on the selection of higher education partnerships.

The ICI-ECP is part of the Industrialised Countries Instrument (ICI) that promotes cooperation between the European Union and seventeen industrialised and other high-income countries and territories in North America, the Asia-Pacific region and the Gulf region. It contributes to fostering the relations of the European Union (EU) with countries and territories which often share similar values, are important political and trading partners, and play an active role in multilaterl fora and in global governance.Free Joomla Theme by Hostgator