The assessment of stability at compression of steel pipes considering effects of uniform corrosion
Aniela Glinicka, Szymon Imiełowski
In aggressive environments structural steel components
of engineering structures may become affected by
corrosion. Even with corrosion protection, their critical load
capacity and stability are seriously affected by the consequences
of corrosion in aggressive environments due to impurities and
possible failures. In this paper a critical state analysis of corroded
struts is presented. The input data for the analysis was taken from
laboratory corrosion tests in which steel pipes of a few different
diameters were subjected to the attack of sulphuric and
hydrochloric acids and placed in salt spray tester. The loss of
material due to corrosion was determined and graphs, presenting
the loss of material as a function of pipe diameter and the
corrosion rate over time, were determined. The relative decrease
of the maximum elastic strain energy which can be stored in the
strut and the relative decrease of the critical load of elastic
buckling were calculated for a series of corroded pipes. The
curves of the relative change of the maximum elastic strain energy
and the relative change of critical load over the time of corrosion
progression were found to follow a similar path. For determining
the critical load for a given strut, boundary conditions are taken
into consideration. However, it is not necessary in the case of
maximum elastic strain energy, which makes it a more convenient
stability measure of the critical load capacity of strut.