Heavy metal pollution of water and bottom sediments of the Wilanowskie Lake
Małgorzata Wojtkowska
The study aimed to assess the content of metals in water, suspended solids and bottom sediments sampled from the Wilanowskie Lake. The analyses of zinc, lead, cadmium, and copper showed that the metal concentration in water, suspended solids, and sediments differed at individual measurement points. It can be attributed to the influx of pollutants from the areas adjacent to the lake. During the sampling period, the concentration of dissolved forms of Cu varied from 33.1 to 186.5 μg/dm3; in the suspended form it ranged from 0.21 to 0.81 mg/dm3, and in bottom sediments, it was in the range 17–245 mg/kg dw. For cadmium, the concentration of dissolved forms ranged from 1.15 to 19.53 μg/dm3, in suspended form – from 0.02 to 0.1 mg/dm3, and in the sediments from 6.2 to 21.6 mg/kg dw. The concentration of dissolved forms of lead was from 3.19 to 106.7 μg/dm3, in the suspension from about 0.67 to 1.07 mg/dm3 and in sediments – from 200 to 450 mg/kg dw. For zinc, the results were respectively: from 65 to 632 μg/dm3 for the metal forms dissolved in water, from 1.1 to 2.2 mg/dm3 for suspended forms and from 70 to 2,900 mg/kg dw in sediments.